Whatfs up? vol. 5

Howfs it going, naughty mate?

I got BKK from Yangon yesterday and am heading to Cambodia soon. Well, Myanmar was quite nice. 3 weeks was too short for me and I've regretted to book a ticket back to BKK in advance.

Before getting in Myanmar, all of tourists compulsorily have to change $300 to shitty currency, FECs (foreign exchange certificate), which is not changeable to dollar before leaving, that's why, we have to spend all. Otherwise it would be confiscated. How do you reckon? Fuckfn military regime, isn't it? In addition, the exchange rate, which was decided by the government, was terrible. $1 is only 6.9 kyat (k). We can buy nothing with $1. The rate of black market, however, was normally around 330k equivalent to $1 a moment (but us$ is getting stronger) and this was normal. So, none wanna change money at bank. It was crazy government anyway.

Myanmar people were quite friendly, so in the case of having chat, I guess, Burmese are better than Lao. The expression" friendly" is suitable for Burmese actually. And I relatively can make them understood in English.

The accommodation was usually great. We have to pay with dollar or FEC, it costs around $3 with bath and toilet, including breakfast. And sometimes with air con. Except mountain village, it was bloody hot during the daytime, in particular, in April. When I was in Mandalay, the temperature was more than 40 degrees, so noting to do outside. It was terrible. I always had a nap otherwise ate ice cream. Ice cream is quite popular for people, even for older generation and men. They were eating all the time. This price is very reasonable which costs 50K (less than 20 cents) with one cup in Yangon and only 30K in Bagan. Draft beer is quite cheap as well; one mug is 75 to 95K (less than 30 cents). Can you believe this price? Before leaving from Myanmar, I left more than 1000K and drank too much beer, which must be more than 10 mugs a day. I was bloody happy, you know.

I stayed there 3 weeks actually, but spent less than $ 200. I sometimes paid big note like 20 bucks for staying even if it costs $3 and if they have some dollars, gave me the change with dollars. So I could collect some dollars, but 60 FECs were still left. I had no way to escape. Some black markets or receptions of hotels could change FEC to dollar, whose rate was too bad. It, however, was better than nothing. People wanna dollars very much, because Myanmar currency is too weak and inflation is quite serious problem.

One day I took a train, which was, of course, dirty and slow like crowing. It was ordinary and not strange that the train was shaking right to left, you know. But Burmese train was hopping all the way like a pick up truck. It was quite strange, wasn't it? I asked this reason to local people and they said,

"The train in Myanmar was always happy."
I see.

Burmese ladies are quite beautiful as well. Some of them can speak English and wanna make conversation with us. It was quite nice and we got some talking. But they cannot talk about shitty government. If they speak bad things for it and someone found it, they were arrested and into the jail. The government was scary anyway. I was sorry for the people.

Burmese food was horrible which had too much oil especially curry. I got some trouble in my stomach once, which was with fever. So did some tourists. I never recommend them. I always missed Thai food.

Ok, it is time to shut down this display. Ifm fine anyway.
See ya in Cambodia otherwise Vietnam.

For Japanese people
Sorry, I couldn't write in Japanese this time. I have not enough time right now. Maybe see ya soon.

From BKK
Manabu Kato